Kelli (K) and Lauren (L) are sitting in the room on the sofa. Both are surfing something in their smartphones.
L: Look! My photos have twice more «likes» then yours!
K: Oh, it’s only because you make mostly selfies of your nice body. All my headshots have more «likes» than yours. If you make more headshots you won’t be as popular.
L: Nonsense, my head would be much more beautiful than yours even if it is shot without my body.
K: Oh, My head would be more beautiful than yours even if it is CUT OFF my body! (moves the finger across her throat)
L: Never, my severed head will look much more beautiful than yours!
K: Let’s bet! I know the execution agency nearby. We can go there, they will behead us and then make photos of our severed heads. We’ll see who gets more “likes”!
L: I agree, let’s go.
Both girls are in another room together with the Executioner (E).
K: Hello. We would like to have our heads chopped off and then photos of them should be posted online.
E: No problem. We can do it right now.
K: How will you behead us?
E: I usually use a sword for it.
K: OK, what shall I do?
E: Just kneel here.
Kelli kneels. Executioner takes the sword and makes a mark at the back of Kelli’s neck. Then he raises the sword preparing for the blow.
K: Wait, please! If you chop off my head now it will fall on the floor and I can hit my face. Then I certainly loose the competition. Is there any other way to behead me?
E: Well, you can place your head on the chopping block and I will cut it off with the axe.
He leads Kelli to the block, helps her to kneel and lay her head on it (to the position like pic 2).
K: Oh, it’s much better (She puts her hands behind the back). You can behead me now.
Executioner makes a mark with the axe at Kelli’s neck and then decapitates her.
L (looking at Kelli’s severed head): Oh, it’s not so beautiful. Now is my turn.
She kneels before the block and places her head on it at the same position.
L: Please, chop off my head now. Make a blow right here (she shows at the middle of her neck with her hand, then puts her hands behind the back).
Executioner makes a mark and then beheads her.
At the end both severed heads are on the floor.
Starring: Kelli, Lauren
Keywords: Axe, Headless, Surreal, Willing
Clip Duration: 8 minutes |
Format | Size | mp4 | 87.68 MB |
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